We are a promotional product distributor with 25 years of experience in the promotional marketing industry. Promotional products, make up a nearly $22 billion dollar industry and are used by virtually every business in America. Why? Items like mugs, pens and t-shirts are memorable and provide a better cost per impression for advertisers than almost every major marketing effort like TV, magazines and the Internet. We are able to supply your company with every possible promotional product from over 3000 suppliers. With so many ad specialties available there is a huge opportunity for professionals like you to boost ROI and leave a lasting impression with your customers. Our mission is to help you create long-lasting relationships with your clients through the power of promotional products.
We find and customize the right marketing pieces that help companies form a lasting impression. We are committed to your success and can put your name and logo on nearly anything.
Starting in the printing industry, looking to diversify, expand and utilize our creative talents, we expanded into the promotional industry. Every day brings a new challenge which we thrive on.
You can easily search for some of the hottest items on the market on our website. If you don’t see a product in our directory, chances are we can custom-make it for you. Here for you 24 hours a day - 7 days a week, you can quickly and easily search our vast database of products and keep your company name top of mind. We can supply you with:
Graphic Design
Print and Direct Mail including software programs
Promotional Items
Decorated Apparel
Custom Apparel
Environmental items – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Banner Displays,
Signage - Both Inside and Out
Wall, Floor and Directional Decals
Gifts, Incentive and Award Items
Plaques, Loyalty and Reward Programs
Safety Items and Apparel
Every job is unique and customized to the Client. No job is too small, no turnaround too fast and no budget too small. Our clients are spread across the country and include Fortune 500 companies, advertising agencies, universities, New York City and New York State agencies and schools, Construction companies, the Gaming industry, small businesses and start-ups.
Our clients are pleased as our jobs are done on time and within budget. Multi Media Promotions is the premier provider of sourcing any item the client needs to deliver their message.